2016 has definitely been a wild ride. There were just so many hilarious, gorgeous, tear-filled weddings this year (and, you know, complete chaos nationally and internationally, but that's not really where we're going with this post. But we could. Because come on, 2016, you had to take Carrie Fisher, too?!).
This week, Justin and I set ourselves the impossible task of narrowing down the year's weddings into our favorite moments - the most hilarious, inscrutable, emotional captures of the year, since that is, as photojournalist wedding photographers, what we believe this job is all about: capturing moments. The things a bride and groom are too busy to see, or too hopped up on adrenaline to remember.
Looking back at these photos really cemented for us how ridiculously lucky we are to do this job. Thank you to every bride and groom we worked with this year - for that one day, we got to be a part of your life, to laugh at your dad's bad jokes, to toast with your friends. It's an absolute honor and we can't wait to see what 2017 brings.
I mean, assuming 2017 does not bring the apocalypse.
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